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junction box


Thinking Inside the Box

April 18, 2018

Junction boxes are an often overlooked yet critical component in an electrical wiring system.  Their main purpose is as an enclosure used to contain wiring junctions, intersections, or points along a raceway where access is required (e.g. pulling in cable). In secondary applications, junction boxes are used to contain custom electronics, push buttons, and display…


Lo-Pro® Junction Box / LED Driver

March 22, 2017

Diode LED designed the patent pending LO-PRO® Junction Box Series to meet electrical code requirements as well as cost saving measures with easy installation of LED power supplies in a wide range of environments. The truly amazing benefit of this enclosure is the UL Listed Driver option available when ordering the Lo-Pro Junction Box &…


The RIGHT BOX for the RIGHT Environment

October 19, 2016

THE FASTEST BOX TO INSTALL ANYWHERE We’ve completely redesigned the original junction box and added features to make this the quickest and easiest box for contractors to install – no matter the situation! Explore the features of the Scepter® JBox™ that will save you time and money by clicking on the callouts below. NEW Hinged…