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How to Leverage the Hierarchy of Controls to Keep Workers Safe

March 7, 2023

By Tim Piemonte, Contributor Fatalities are everyone’s worst nightmare. Naturally, companies say they will do anything to prevent them. However, despite code compliance and even the best of intentions, serious injuries and fatalities continue to occur each year. Because human error is inevitable, personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety training are not effective when relied…


Watch Out for These Electrical Hazards in Your Construction Site

March 7, 2023

By Rick Pedley, Contributor Construction sites typically need power to function, and power is likely to become a part of any completed jobsite. Tasks using electricity involve risks, including nerve damage, injury, and death. To protect yourself and your workers, be aware of these nine potential electrical hazards. 1. Overhead Power Lines Transmission line voltages…


How Contractors Can Utilize Digital Solutions to Stay Safe and Efficient in 2023

March 7, 2023

By Guillaume Le Gouic, Contributor   Following the passing of The Inflation Reduction Act, the construction industry is preparing to ramp up project deployment to improve the nation’s aging infrastructure. As the industry sees a surge in new construction projects, electrical contractor safety must be one of the highest priorities in 2023. When electricians provide…