Yale Cordage Continues to Push the Boundaries of What’s Possible for Electrical Pulling and Winch Lines
Since the electrical utility industry first began using synthetic high-modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber ropes over 30 years ago, these high-performance tools have brought new levels of efficiency to mission critical line work.
Today, Yale Cordage Unitrex HMPE ropes are the industry standard for pulling hard line transmission cables, with TechEye2™ and TechJoin2™ synthetic pulling socks amplifying these workhorse ropes’ efficiency.
The benefits of synthetics don’t end with the transmission class. They extend to distribution class cordage as well, where Uniline, PE-12 braided pulling line and Maxibraid Plus winch lines make for faster, safer, more efficient installations and repairs.
Above ground or below, and regardless of the job size, all of these ropes offer the central benefits of HMPE: light weight, easy maneuverability, and low conductivity — particularly as compared to their alternative and predecessor, steel wire.
Continuing to innovate transmission-class pulling lines
Yale Cordage’s Uniline and its high-tech cousin Unitrex are ideal for transmission class work, with the weight-to-strength ratio of their high-performance fibers raising feasible max drum capacities from the 10,000-foot range to upwards of 30,000 feet in many cases. This massive gain, coupled with a reputation for safety and quality, has resulted in Yale ropes becoming the standard on Sherman & Reilly, TSE, and Wagner-Smith pulling equipment.
Together with these industry-leading partners, we’re continuously improving the tools available — aiming to make even the most dangerous high-voltage reconductoring settings as safe as possible for linemen, while helping their companies get more accomplished faster.
Synthetic pulling socks reduce conductivity, increase convenience
One recent improvement to the toolkit has been the introduction of synthetic high-performance rope terminations and joints. These accessories further reduce the amount of conductive material in the field, and the subsequent risk of electric shock.
TechEye2™ and TechJoin2™ are synthetic pulling socks designed specifically for Unitrex and Uniline. They are easily applied, and ship with everything an operator needs to immediately repair a pulling line and put it back into service in the middle of a job.
Making distribution-class work safer — from underground pulling to pole installs and line repair
Pulls in the distribution class, which are generally lower pulling force and length, are supported by our Yalex and PE-12 products, both of which are polyester 12-strand products. Uniline has also been a standard in distribution pulling for decades.
And for pole installation or line repair work, several large utilities are now outfitting their fleets with high capacity Maxibraid Plus and Ultrex winch lines. The switch is driven dually by efficiency and safety: these synthetics are lighter and easier to handle than their steel counterparts, yet they’re just as strong; and if they do fray or part, they don’t carry the same threat of bodily injury from razor-sharp kinks or violent snap-backs.
Engineered to fit your work, and your working conditions
As an added benefit, any of these rope configurations can be customized and optimized to your company or fleet. Among the thousands of fiber, size, diameter, and construction combinations available today, we and our distributors can help you select or design the safest, best rope for any set of weather conditions or tasks – and train you on how to use it for maximum safety and a long, productive product life.
Phone (207) 282-3396
77 Industrial Park Road Saco, ME 04072
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