Tech Products, Inc’s revolutionary product Everlast™ has completed 22,000 hours of UV exposure
Congratulations! Tech Products, Inc’s revolutionary product Everlast™ has completed 22,000 hours of UV exposure in a test designed by Underwriters Laboratories®. Everlast™ has become the utility industry standard for quality long term durability for identification products. These products include pole tags for overhead distribution, safety signs for substations and aerial observation markers for transmission towers and According to Celia Vi, Senior Project Engineer at UL®, “With the exception of some whitening and water residue spotting on the samples, the signs were perfectly legible.” She also clarified the age old question, how does testing in a lab relate to real world environmental challenges. She states “The rough rule of thumb is that it is 2-3 years per 1,000 hours of UV.”
These results prove what customers like Harold Dew at Delaware Electric Coop have known for many years, Everlast™ products last through the worst environmental hazards. In fact, what most of our customers came to understand is they can save a lot of money by using a product on their poles that will last 40 years by not having to waste man hours replacing cheap tags. Randy Jordan, manager of Diesel Generation, NCEMC told us” As you know, we live in a very harsh environment and have been using your tags and signs for years. They not only hold up to the UV rays of the sun, but the constant exposure to salt and winds.”
So what’s next for Everlast™, Ken Nelson II, Vice-President of Tech products, Inc informs us, “ we plan to let UL® run the test for another 8,000 hours to see just how long our products will last and finally answer our customers questions: Just how long can Everlast™ last without any fading?”
If you would like to see the photos of the UL® test samples or receive a copy of the full test results, please call 800-221-1311 ext 211 or e-mail
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