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Codes & Standards

How to Select Temporary By-Pass Jumper Components

November 8, 2024

By: Roger Farmer, Contributor The ASTM F2321 Standard Specification for Flexible and Rigid Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers was revised and updated in March 2023. This article takes a closer look at some key points found in this important standard, the intended use and purpose of temporary By-Pass jumpers, and how to select the right components…


Do You Have a Compliant Electrical Safety Program?

February 13, 2024

How to develop, implement and maintain a compliant ESP. By: Terry Becker, P.Eng., CESCP, IEEE Senior Member The purpose and contents of a compliant Electrical Safety Program (ESP) are widely misunderstood in industry. However, an effective ESP can save lives by eliminating or reducing the risk of exposure to electrical hazards at a worksite, and…


When is De-Energized Equipment Not Actually De-Energized and Safe to Work On?

March 7, 2023

By George T. Cole, Contributor Some readers may be wondering about the apparent contradiction or confusion with the title of this article but as we progress, the accuracy will become clear. The term “de-energized” is common among electrical workers but understanding its significance can vary greatly depending on the person you speak with. However, did…


Lockout/Tagout Compliance: Implementing a World-Class Management System

May 3, 2022

By: Ricky Rodriguez, Contributor Implementing a Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) is often mistaken as just developing procedures and training. This article will help explain what encompasses an effective Lockout/Tagout management system and best practices. Lockout/Tagout compliance prevents 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries a year, with injuries that can vary from amputations to electrocution. LOTO applies to both…


Setting The Record Straight: Equipment Safety in Hazardous Areas

October 12, 2021

By: Robert Potter & Richard Holub, Contributors When it comes to using equipment in hazardous location classified areas that’s manufactured in other countries, what are the rules? What certifications are necessary? And how do you tell if equipment is safe for your application? Hazardous location classified areas contain flammable gas, liquids or vapors, combustible dusts,…


Six Keys to NFPA 70E® Training

May 8, 2021

By Jay Smith, Contributor NFPA 70E® training teaches you how the standard’s life-saving work practices help avoid electrical injuries, deaths, and OSHA violations. Training covers many topics, including establishing electrically safe work conditions, elements of a risk assessment, the difference between electrical hazards and risks, and the intent and limitations of personal protective equipment (PPE)…


How Understanding Bonding & Grounding Saves Lives and Equipment

May 8, 2021

By Samuel Rokowski, Contributor You can’t talk about electrical safety in the workplace without involving some of the discussion around bonding and grounding. In 2016, OSHA determined what is called “The Fatal Four”, one of which being electrocution on job sites. In that year, electrocution hazards led to 82 deaths, which is 8.3% of the…


Effective Electrical Safety Comes Down to Two Factors: Engaged Leadership and Technical Awareness

February 16, 2021

Andrew Cochran, Contributor Continuous improvement is a way of life for any business and is accepted as a standard approach in improving quality, productivity, and processes. At the core of continuous improvement is defining root causes, planning, and executing preventative action to eliminate the potential issue, and deploying technology and practices that minimize the impact…


Update: Changes to NFPA 70E® 2021 Edition

November 11, 2020

What You Need to Know to Stay Current By Steve Edwards & Jay Smith, Contributors The National Fire Protection Association’s 2021 (NFPA) 70E® Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace® has been updated and is now in effect. NFPA 70E® is one of the most widely used consensus standards in U.S. workplaces. The standard has…


Tyndale USA – FAQ Friday: Standards Update – What’s New in 2020?

November 11, 2020

From “breaking news” to “coming soon,” Tyndale shares the latest updates (and expected updates) to main industry standards related to arc rated flame resistant (AR / FR) apparel. Watch our video below, featuring Tyndale’s Vice President of Technical, Scott Margolin, or read on to learn more.